Friday, January 5, 2007

Zune CRM Application

Philip Richardson released a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution for Zune. You will now have the ability to carry all of your contacts in your Zune...just in case you didn't have your cell phone. He uses a program to make images of the contacts that can be stored on your zune. The images (jpgs) are 320x240 and display perfectly on the Zunes screen. The image files are named after the contact which allows the zune to sort it, using the scrolling feature you can find your contact quickly.

Here is his description and instructions on his software directly from his website:

An Alpha of my CRM Zune Sync is now available. This release is pretty rough and contains numerous bugs and inefficiencies. Additionally the User Interface will change significantly in future releases (the 'console' look and feel will be replaced).Here are the caveats you need to know:

  • You need a Microsoft CRM 3.0 server to use this app. If you don't have access to one of these then do not use the app: you will be wasting your time!
  • Don't email me with questions or requesting support. I will ignore your email. If you know me and I know you then you can email me.
  • I built this tool for me - not for you. If it works for you - that's great.
  • I'm not a member of the Zune team. I've never met anyone from the Zune team. I don't know how to contact the Zune team. I don't even know where their building is. So if you email me about Zune stuff - I'll ignore your email twice. This rule also applies to people I know.
  • This is not a Microsoft product - so all the normal warnings apply: ie. you are downloading software written by some guy in a basement etc.
  • I have now idea if this works on Vista. In theory it should.
  • Save the MSI. You will need it to uninstall it.
  • Here is the download link.

How to use:

  1. Unzip the file.
  2. Run the MSI and this will install the app.
  3. Run the app (there should be an icon on your desktop).
  4. Enter your CRM server and select your authentication mechanism.
  5. Click Connect
  6. Now select which Account and Contact Views you want to download.
  7. Select the folder where you want to place the downloaded images (eg. My Pictures).
  8. Click Begin Sync
  9. The Accounts and Contacts from the Views specified will be downloaded into the folder you specified. There will be one JPG file for each Account and Contact.
  10. Ensure that your Zune syncs the contents of the folder specified.
  11. Sync your Zune.
  12. Now browse your contacts on your Zune.



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Zune 30GB MP3 / Video Player Black

Zune 30GB
MP3 / Video
Player Black
