Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Xbox LIVE: 1 vs. 100 offering Zune 120GB as prizes

Throughout the "prize-less" portion of the beta there has been a long running sweepstakes in place, allowing gamers with the random possibility of winning a Samsung 52” plasma HDTV, Acer Aspire laptop, Microsoft Zune 120GB, or Xbox Live Arcade Game for every question they answer in both “1 vs. 100 Live” and “1 vs. 100 Extended Play”. It's interesting to note that these sweepstake prizes appear to be set as a regular feature for 1 vs. 100, and may continue upon the full release of the game with perhaps various new prizes being offered at different times. Think of it as a "thanks for playing" chance of winning something even if the questions were a bit too hard.

Now, however, the stakes have been raised and the full prize scheme of 1 vs. 100 is slowly coming into play, and that means that Microsoft Points are now on the line. The "skill-based" prize system is tiered, meaning that a set of questions must be answered correctly in order to win the corresponding prize. Three prize structures exist, the first for "The One" who is placed in the hot seat, and another for "The Mob" who is trying to eliminate him, and the third for "The Crowd" who didn't get selected as either of the other two.

Full article:



Buy.com Zune

Zune 30GB MP3 / Video Player Black

Zune 30GB
MP3 / Video
Player Black
